For 16 years already; Schilderswijk moving!

The Hague Sports Garden


In the Schilderswijk there are many places where you can exercise. Think of the Hannemanplantsoen, the Jacob van Campenplein or the Vermeerpark. However, there are few real sports clubs active in the neighbourhood. In the Sports Garden, we have a good cooperation with the clubs from the city. They come to the Sports garden to give real sports lessons so you can improve in the sport you like!

Multifunctional sports complex

The Hague Sports Garden is a multifunctional sports complex of 2000 m2 offering children from the Schilderswijk the opportunity to participate in organised sports activities in an accessible way. The sports complex has four multifunctional sports fields (3x artificial grass, 1x asphalt) on which almost every sport can be played.



The Hague Sports Garden is organised by primary school teachers who, in collaboration with social institutions in the neighbourhood, exclusively organise sports activities. Seven collaborating primary schools with a total of over 1500 children make use of the activities at the sports complex. They cooperate as much as possible with sports associations and neighbourhood organisations such as community centres and neighbourhood sports clubs.

Safe and independent

The Hague Sports Garden is located in the middle of the Schilderswijk, which means a child can reach the sports garden safely and independently. Most sports clubs are too far outside the Schilderswijk to be reached without an adult.

The Hague Sports Garden is more. It offers children the chance to play sports outside in a safe, protected and educational environment. Parents do not have to worry when their children are in the Sports Garden. The continuous presence of a caretaker, the mandatory supervision of children during activities and the limited accessibility of the sports complex serve to ensure that children can develop optimally both motorically and socially.


Our goal

The aim of the Hague Sports Garden is to enable children to progress from an organised school sports supply to sports clubs. Cooperation with neighbourhood institutions and sports clubs is necessary to make this transition happen. A child becomes a member of The Hague Sports Garden, then becomes a member of the branch association in the neighbourhood, to finally become a member of the regular sports association at the main location of the association.

The Hague Sports Garden forms the bridge between sports in the street and the sports club.

Bosboomstraat 12
2526VP Den Haag

070-2181309 / 06-24827610